NSW: 0451 870 047 QLD: 0450 329 005 WA: 0474 925 102 VIC: 0452 348 834 SA: 08 6187 9077
NSW: 0451 870 047
QLD: 0450 329 005
WA: 0474 925 102
VIC: 0452 348 834
SA: 08 6187 9077
Luciana is a stunning beauty who knows how to make a man fall head over heels for her. She's got such a captivating personality that she makes everyone want to hang out with her. No matter where she goes, she attracts a huge crowd of admirers.
Luciana is a gorgeous woman who knows how to attract men. She uses her beauty and charisma to get the guys to do whatever she wants them to do. No matter where she is, she always manages to have a lot of people hanging around her.
Luciana has been known to work the crowd like a pro. She can adapt to any situation, and she knows how to use her looks to get the attention that she wants. Her body may not be as perfect as some other girls', but she makes up for it by being incredibly sexy.
Brisbane Strip Clubs Best Showgirls
Luciana loves to have fun, so when she gets bored of a party, she goes home and does something else. She doesn't care where she is, as long as she's having fun.
Luciana is sure-fire to leave you gasping for more. She devastates a crowd and has stunning looks and seductive power. Contact us to reserve for your next event.
Height: 165cm
Bust: 10DD
Waist: 65cm
Hips: 97cm
Dress: 10
Body Type: Curvaceous
Hair: Brunette
Eyes: Black